website logo

Web Design System

A web design system for a sample website


Light Green

Light Green

This is made with the help of hex color #D0F0C0

Light green is used as a background color for body

Navy Blue

Navy Blue is used with the help of rgb(0,0,128)

Navy Blue is used as a background color for header

Deep fuchsia 25% light

Deep fuchsia 25% light

Deep Fuchsia is made with the help of hsl(300,47,54)

Deep fuchsia 25% light is used as font color for header heading



The website is using Roboto regular for main font of the page Example: Brown fox jumps over great log Bold Roboto font is used for h3 and h4 headings Example Brown fox jumps over great log

Comic Neue

The website is using Comic Neue bold for h1 and h2 headings Example: Brown fox jumps over great log.

Text Styles

Main heading

Main heading is bold and has font size of 40px

Logo subheading

Logo subheading is bold and has font size of 30px

Section headings

Section headings are Verdana bold, size of 20px

Regular subheadings in-text

Regular in-text subheadings are Verdana bold, size of 17px